Just Transcribe

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Frequently Asked Questions about Free Audio Transcription

How does Talk Transcribe work?

Talk Transcribe converts your audio files into text using advanced machine learning algorithms. Simply upload your audio file and receive the transcription.

How fast is Talk Transcribe?

The speed depends on the length of the audio, but our services are optimized for quick and accurate transcriptions. They tend to take around 10% of the length of the audio: a 30 minute audio may take around 3 minutes.

How does Talk Transcribe achieve such high accuracy?

Talk Transcribe uses the absolute best AI engines available and implements optimizations that often result in transcriptions comparable to, and in some cases even better than, human transcriptions. However, language selection and audio quality can affect the results. Talk Transcribe works best in the following languages (and works well in many others): Spanish, Italian, English, Portuguese, German, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Dutch, and Indonesian.

What languages does Talk Transcribe support?

Talk Transcribe works with nearly 100 languages, including English, Mandarin, Spanish, German, French, Arabic, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, Indonesian, Korean, and many others.

How secure is my data with Talk Transcribe?

Security is one of our top concerns. All data transfers are encrypted using state-of-the-art protocols. Once the transcription process is complete, your audio files are deleted from our servers, ensuring complete privacy and confidentiality.

What file formats are supported by Talk Transcribe?

Talk Transcribe supports a wide range of audio file formats to make it as convenient as possible for you. These include but are not limited to MP3, WAV, OGG, and FLAC. We're constantly updating our system to support even more formats to meet your needs.

Is Talk Transcribe free?

Despite being probably the most accurate transcription available (we use OpenAI's largest Whisper model), Talk Transcribe is free to use for audios of 30 minutes or less. You can transcribe longer audios by uploading them and then selecting a paid plan from the modal that will pop up when you do.

Can it transcribe video?

Not yet, but soon.